Embark on a journey with Mammoth Distilling's Northern Rye No. 02, a whiskey that seamlessly intertwines North American traditions and old-world techniques. Inspired by the innovative wineries of Northern Michigan, this unique expression marries the complexities of rye grain with the artistry of French and American oak barrels, crafting a spirit that's a true reflection of terroir and technique.
What's in this bottle? A meticulous blend of 11% straight Michigan Wheeler rye, 18-year Alberta rye from char level 3 Missouri white oak barrels, and exquisite finishes in American Oak Port barrels and French oak barrels from 45 North Vineyard & Winery and Bonobo Winery, respectively. This Northern Rye boasts a rich tapestry of flavors, from gingersnap and fig on the nose to strawberry jam, tobacco, and grass, culminating in a velvety finish of sweet challah bread, port, and leather. At 50% ABV (100 proof), it's a testament to the harmonious marriage of tradition and innovation. Unveil the next chapter in the Northern Rye story—a whiskey that transcends boundaries and tantalizes the palate with its intricate dance of flavors.