A modern twist on one of the most popular flavors. True to its flavor profile, we meticulously blended it with functional ingredients and layers of goodness.
Frankly Organic Strawberry Vodka 750ml
We chose a variety of apples, not too sweet and not too tart and paired with the star ingredient strawberry, harvested in central California, for a bold and sweet profile. We added the ancient spice turmeric, which has been used for over 4500 years in Indian culture. We blended the turmeric with coconut water that rounds the palate with a nostalgic softness. Lemon juice from Spain provides a nudge of vitamin C and a sweet tartness that balances the flavors. Vermont Grade A maple syrup adds a hint of sweetness while a tad of USA wild cherry bark and Indian ginger root carries the pungency needed to tie it all together.