Denizen Aged White Rum is created by blending three types of rum from Trinidad and Jamaica. The creation of master blenders E & A Scheer, these Netherland based blenders are highly regarded in their craft. Starting out with rums from the Angostura Distillery from Trinidad
Paying homage to the courageous slaves who rebelled against their British colonists in Guyana on August 18, 1823, Denizen Dark Rum embodies the liberated spirit which is the essence of our brand. Rich in history and flavor, our rum combines dark rum blended in the old vatted style originally formulated for the British Navy in the mid-18th century and rhum agricole from Martinique. Distilled from a collection of antique stills, most of the blend is produced in Guyana, home to fertile rainforests where sugar cane bursting with the intoxicating flavors of caramel, burnt sugar, and cacao grow. Fresh unaged rhum agricole has been added to provide a backbone of bright vegetal aromas yielding an exceptionally balanced spirit that will free the flavor of cocktails.